After the Case

After the Honor Council determines its response, the student may meet with a SAIF to discuss the Council's decision and how to proceed.

Reconsiderations & Appeals:

A student found responsible for a violation of the Honor Code or rules on academic integrity may request that the Council reconsider its decision if:

  • New materially relevant information becomes available that was not available to the student through the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time of the review; or
  • There is reasonable evidence of a procedural error.

For information about reconsiderations, see the Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct.

Students required to withdraw or placed on probation by the Honor Council for more than one semester may appeal to the Faculty Council the decisions of the Honor Council. Students may appeal because 

  • the Honor Council made a procedural error that may change the outcome of the decision; or
  • based upon a review of the Honor Council’s annual disciplinary statistics, the sanction imposed by the Council was inconsistent with the Council’s usual practices and is inappropriate.

For information about appeals, see the Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct.